eSign & eID App | UX/UI

eSign & eID App | UX/UI

An application that allows people to sign documents remotely and identify themselves via their mobile phones; a web portal for related parties enabling easy transfer of the eID and eSign requests.


The problem

Signing documents remotely was insecure and because of that, it was not accepted in any institution. The only available apps were the ones where you draw your signature and place it on a document, which can be easily manipulated. 

The solution

A secure application that allows remote identification and remote signing of documents straight from the smart device. The app has a number of features supporting the secure identification of a person that prove the user's authenticity.

During the initial phase of ideation, solution formulation, and validation I worked closely with the customer along with a team of product architects and developers. My task was to create wireframes and an interactive prototype with the UI.